Web Authoring Information from Microsoft June 99

It's musical chairs time yet again at Microsoft's website. (Almost) all IE authoring resources are now located at  http://msdn.microsoft.com, mostly in a sub-section called 'Web Workshop' (http://msdn.microsoft.com/workshop/), obviously named as a tribute to PC Plus! These links were valid at the beginning of June 99, but may not be forever! If all else fails, try www.microsoft.com/ie and explore from there.

Web Workshop (no relation!)
The is the new name for the former SiteBuilder Network - the section of which the massive DHTML etc Workshop (see below) is a mere sub-section. Sadly this section is not downloadable in bulk for offline viewing, although there is still talk of snapshot CDs at some point.

Web Workshop - DHTML, CSS and Scripting URL CHANGED!
The successor to the late, great, much lamented Internet Client SDK. Whatever it is you want to know about Internet Explorer authoring technologies, it's in here. 

Web Workshop - XML
A thorough guide to eXtensible Markup Language, with plenty of links to seriously impenetrable W3C specification documents! I still think "tags you make up yourself" sums XML up perfectly adequately, but then I could well be wrong!

Getting Ready for Internet Explorer 5 URL CHANGED!
A quick descriptive overview of the new authoring features in IE5, with links to more detailed articles. 

What's New in Internet Explorer 5 URL CHANGED!
A thorough, table-based reference list with links to even more thorough descriptions.

The Internet Explorer Home Page
The starting point for links to everything about IE5. If all else fails (or has moved), start here.

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